Rita C. Peters

Rita C. Peters is the former editorial director of BioPharm International, Pharmaceutical Technology, and Pharmaceutical Technology Europe.


Ensuring Vaccine Supply Meets Need

Shutting down the COVID-19 pandemic requires a global, selfless effort.

Pandemic-fighting Drugs in Shortage, Again

Resolving drug shortages starts with identifying the source of the problem.

The (Dis)Information Pandemic

Misleading messages contribute to eroding trust in public health agencies

Biopharma Gears Up Pandemic Response

Amid high expectations for a COVID-19 vaccine, biopharma readies production capacity, weighs external pressures.

It’s Time to Listen to Science

Time sure flies, except when you are waiting for something to happen.

Navigating Uncharted Waters

Data and science must guide FDA in making pressure-filled COVID-19 vaccine and therapy approval decisions.

Are We All In This Together?

Achieving herd immunity will require testing, data, a vaccine, and public support.

How Fast Is Too Fast?

Will moving at “warp speed” to develop a vaccine impact efficacy or safety?