

How to Achieve Confident Oligonucleotide Characterization and Purification

Discover how to accurately analyze purity and impurities, determine sequences, and more with next-generation technologies from Agilent.

Upgrading to Zero-Waste Raw Material Identification with the Agilent Vaya

Reaching sustainability and efficiency goals simultaneously is possible in RMID, a regulatory-enforced part of (bio)pharmaceutical drug manufacturing.

Best Practices for Analysis of In Vitro Transcribed (IVT) mRNA Using the Agilent Fragment Analyzer systems

This technical overview discusses best handling practices for IVT mRNA and analysis with the Fragment Analyzer systems, including sample handling and quantification tips.

Oligo Workflow Resource Guide

End-to-End Workflow Solutions for Oligonucleotide Analysis - From research discovery to production QA/QC

End-to-End Oligonucleotide Solutions

This short video provides an overview of a complete, end-to-end oligonucleotide workflow solutions

MS1 Oligonucleotide Characterization Using LC/Q-TOF with HILIC Chromatography

In this application note, LC separation and MS1 mass identification of a variety of oligos without the use of ion‑pairing reagents is demonstrated. The LC separation allows subsequent positive mode use with little to no flushing or hardware changes. This HILIC-based method uses an Agilent InfintyLab Poroshell 120 HILIC-Z column and MS-friendly ammonium acetate-based mobile phases. The samples were analyzed on an Agilent 1290 Infinity II LC system and a 6545XT AdvanceBio quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer (LC/Q-TOF).