John McEntire


Using Amino Acid Analysis to Determine Absorptivity Constants: A Validation Case Study Using Bovine Serum Albumin

by John C. Anders, aaiPharma, Inc., Benne F. Parten, Glenn E. Petrie , Robert L. Marlowe , and John E. McEntire Amino acid analysis (AAA) of well-recovered residues offers an easy way to calculate the absorptivity constant for a known protein. The method provides an absolute measure of protein concentration, free from interference from water, excipients, and bound salts. This article demonstrates a qualified method for determining protein content by AAA.

Guest Editorial: Validation Bingo

by John E. McEntire Is your company gambling with analytical mehods and with your product's future? Play validation bingo and find out.

Determining Protein Concentration, Part 1: Methodology

by Nadine Ritter, and John McEntire. Determining protein concentration is one of the most important analytical methods used in the discovery, development, and manufacturing of protein products. Part 1 discusses a number of methods for analyzing samples ranging from complex mixtures to highly purified proteins.