Where Will Biopharma Hiring Take Place in 2013?

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Projections regarding where hiring will take place over the next few years show staffing will largely take place in the same areas as in 2009, according to BioPlan Associates' sixth annual Report and Survey of Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Capacity and Production. Production operations, process development, regulatory, and quality assurance and quality control will continue to be the job functions most in demand.

Hiring in 2013

Projections regarding where hiring will take place over the next five years show staffing will largely take place in the same areas as in 2009, with only a slightly greater percentage projected in process development and R&D hiring for the next five years (18.7%) compared to this year (15.6%).


Hiring in 2009

Over the next 12 months, biotherapeutic developers and CMOs will bring onboard a variety of new staff. Of these, 34% (compared to 33% last year) will be involved in production operations, and 15.6% (22% last year) will be involved in process development and R&D. "Other" will account for 8.3% of the new hires (19% last year). Regulatory or QA/QC departments will hire 15.8% of the new staff (15% last year).