BioPharm International-04-01-2007

BioPharm International

Regulatory Beat: FDA Moves to Streamline Manufacturing Supplements

April 01, 2007

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The challenge will be to design a system that is flexible, yet appropriate, for the broad range of biological products and the varying quality control capabilities of different manufacturers.

Book Review: Advances in Biopharmaceutical Technology in China

April 01, 2007

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This 1,230-page tome is a must-have encyclopedia for any person or organization planning to interact with the biopharmaceutical market in China. It contains 23 well-written chapters and five appendices written by individuals who are experts in the areas they address. Some of these experts are not well known in the US; thus the book also provides an excellent introduction to people whose knowledge and opinions are important when considering biopharmaceuticals in China. Many chapters were translated from Chinese and this is the first time that their information has been provided to the West.

Final Word: Is Building Biotech an Economic Magic Potion?

April 01, 2007

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Virtually every corner of the United States (not to mention the rest of the world) seeks to build a powerful biotech presence (see Since the dawn of biotechnology in the mid 1970s, private venture capital, major corporations, and state and federal governments have poured hundreds of billions of dollars into the industry. Results have been mixed, in terms of benefits to local economies and products that reached the marketplace.