

Automating Image Analysis with Deep Learning

Tue, Sep 13, 2022 10:00 AM EDT Discover how AstraZeneca uses Genedata Imagence—an enterprise-scale, deep learning-based software solution for image analysis—for projects spanning different disease areas and stages of R&D

An Automated MS Data Workflow Enabling Targeted, Site-Specific Glycosylation Monitoring of Biopharmaceuticals

***Live: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 10am EST | 9am CST | 3pm GMT | 4pm CET***Learn how automating mass spectrometry (MS)-based site-specific glycosylation monitoring of biotherapeutics can increase throughput and improving data quality in glycosylation monitoring of biotherapeutics.***On demand available after final airing until NOV. 18, 2021***