Shimadzu and bioMérieux Partner for Mass Spectrometry Applications in Microbiology


Shimadzu (Kyoto, Japan) and bioMérieux (Marcy l?Etoile, France) will commercialize a mass spectrometry system for bacterial identification in microbiology laboratories.

Shimadzu (Kyoto, Japan) and bioMérieux (Marcy l'Etoile, France) will commercialize a mass spectrometry system for bacterial identification in microbiology laboratories. BioMérieux will work with Shimadzu and their subsidiary, Kratos Analytical, to adapt their linear matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry technology for optimized integration into the microbiology laboratory workflow. This solution is planned for commercialization by bioMérieux in 2010, together with the microbial database acquired from AnagnosTec.

In MALDI-TOF, the sample to be analyzed is mixed with another compound, called a matrix. The mixture is applied to a metal plate and irradiated with a laser. The matrix absorbs the laser light and vaporizes, along with the sample, in the process gaining an electrical charge (ionization). Electric fields then guide the ions into the time of flight mass spectrometer that separates them according to mass and displays the results as a series of lines (spectrum) that correspond to different fragments that have broken away from the original molecule. By analyzing the pattern of fragments, it is possible to deduce the structure of the molecule.

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