PurePep EasyClean Services Set to Accelerate Development and Manufacturing of Peptide-based Drugs

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The services are based on the company’s PurePrep EasyClean (PEC) orthogonal peptide purification technology.

Gyros Protein Technologies, a provider of peptide synthesizers and reagents, announced on March 21, 2023 the launch of three service offerings. These are intended to support the development and manufacturing of peptide-based drugs, and they are based on the company’s PurePrep EasyClean (PEC) orthogonal peptide purification technology.

The new services are as follows:


  • “PEC-grade peptide service,” which is intended for custom synthesis of PEC-grade peptides
  • “Custom PEC process and kit development,” which is for scale-up and scale-out of the technology
  • “Enabling new modalities manufacturing with PEC,” which will help to accelerate the developments of novel and complex peptide-based drug modalities.

The new technology is now fully integrated into Gyros Protein Technologies’ offering via two kit types and the newly launched services, and the integration will help the company support customers throughout the whole workflow from synthesis to final purified product, which will accelerate drug development and manufacturing processes.

Source: Gyros Protein Technologies