European Expert Consortium to Develop a Novel Pandemic Flu Vaccine

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Five European organizations, including three companies and two hospitals, have joined forces to develop a novel pandemic influenza vaccine as a potential emergency vaccination.

Five European organizations, including three companies and two hospitals, have joined forces to develop a novel pandemic influenza vaccine as a potential emergency vaccination.

The four-year FluVac project, as it will be called, has been awarded a grant of €3.5 million from the European Union to help fund the research and the development of a new vaccine. Nobilon International BV will coordinate the project. The FluVac project consortium consists of Nobilon International BV (Boxmeer, the Netherlands), Protherics PLC (Cheshire, UK), Retroscreen Virology Ltd (London, UK), Erasmus Medical Centre (Rotterdam, the Netherlands), and Landspitali University Hospital (Reykjavik, Iceland).


Nobilon release