EMA Endorses Statement Pledging to Fight COVID-19

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The statement, published by the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities, outlined its commitment to a strengthening of global collaboration in the fight against COVID-19.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) announced on April 28, 2020 that it has endorsed a joint COVID-19

published by the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA) that outlined its commitment to a strengthening of global collaboration in the fight against COVID-19.


The statement comes from regulatory authorities around the world who are advocating for governments and the international research community to recognize controlled clinical trials because they are the most likely to deliver necessary evidence for the safety and efficacy of therapies for COVID-19 needed for decision-making by regulators, an EMA press release said. The group also suggested the pharmaceutical industry cooperate with therapeutics development and address drug supply issues, shortages, and decreased manufacturing capacities.

'The COVID-19 pandemic affects the whole world and the best way to fight it is through globally concerted actions,” said Guido Rasi, chair of ICMRA and EMA’s executive director, in the press release. “Our collaboration as regulators is crucial to increase the efficiency of regulatory processes and decision-making that will facilitate rapid development, approval, and global roll-out of safe and efficacious medicines against COVID-19.”

Source: EMA