Bettersize US showcases their BeNano Series, Bettersizer 2600, and BetterPyc 380 instruments at the AAPS 2023 PharmSci 360 event.
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Bettersize US announced on Oct. 22, 2023 that it is showcasing three of its instruments—the BeNano Series, Bettersizer 2600, and BetterPyc 380—at the AAPS 2023 PharmSci 360 event. The company is also highlighting its FLOW MODE coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), “which enables high-resolution nanoparticle size testing tailored to the precise needs of pharmaceutical professionals,” according to the company.
The BeNano Series features nanoparticle size and zeta potential analysis by three light scattering techniques. The Bettersizer 2600 offers particle size analysis by laser diffraction, with wet/dry dispersions, and the BetterPyc 380 features powder analysis by gas displacement method.
Bettersize Instruments is a provider of analytical instruments for material characterization, comprehensive solutions, and exceptional customer service. In August 2023, the company opened a new facility in Costa Mesa, Calif. to support North American material scientists, researchers, and engineers.
Source: Bettersize