Brian O'Connell


StreetTalk: Bush Agenda Favorable to BioPharm Market? In Theory, At Least

I wrote in the December 2005 issue of Streetalk that no matter who won the election between George Bush and John Kerry, the result would have been good news to the biopharm industry - if for different reasons. I said that with President Bush back in office for a second term, industry red tape would be diminished and the life sciences sector would shift into higher gear.

StreetTalk: 2004 Round-Up

The holidays are upon us. It's the time of year that begins with gala parties in December and ends when you finally realize what you spent, usually around April 15 of the next year. Too Scrooge-like? Hope not. I just partook of some bad eggnog.

StreetTalk: Corporate Wellness Programs

We've gone beyond the days when corporate America's idea of a healthy outing was a company softball game complete with beer and hot dogs.

Wall Street Gets Personal

Separate accounts. Personal portfolios. Call them what you will. In financial circles, they're hot.